My husband and I got him the Lego Indiana Jones game for Play Station 2, along with the Lego Star Wars game. Thing 1 got him Bendaroos - but only because she wanted to play with them. I don't think he's even gotten to touch them since they were opened Thursday night.
Since we aren't having his party for another couple of weeks, we had a small family celebration on the big day. Thing 2 chose Luby's for our dining pleasure, and we invited our friends Andrea (Andy) and Michael to come along. Andy made him a cake, which we brought in to Luby's with us.
So after dinner we lit the candles, sang happy birthday, and ate some cake. Our waitress was so nice and helpful, we gave her a piece too! Following the cake, it was present time. He was respectably appreciative of our gifts and the Bendaroos from Thing 1. But it was the gift from Andy and Micheal that has now become the gift to beat ... forever more, I fear.
Under the newspaper comic wrapping paper was a box. A box that was chock full on Indiana Jones garb and regalia. This set had it all: the shirt and leather-like jacket, the signature Indy hat, a satchel, a holster, and ...... the WHIP!
There was no waiting. Thing 2 immediately put on everything right there in Luby's. He wore it on the drive home, and dang near wore it to bed. He took it to daycare the next day, where he wore it the entire time. He's worn it all day, both days this weekend, and even wore it out to dinner last night. He's informed us - in a matter-of-fact way- that when he is wearing his new outfit, we are to refer to him as either Indy or Indian Jones ... and NOT by his name.
So now you see what I mean when I say that Indiana Jones is living with me. He may even be coming with us on Spring Break too!
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