Friday, January 2, 2009

You Know You're a Mom if ...

... you can answer a proud "YES" to any of the following:
  1. you know what a "Mom purse" is

  2. you actually own a self-described Mom purse

  3. in your Mom purse you can quickly and easily access the following items: a) an unused Spiderman bandaid, b) Thing 1's My Little Pony from a McDonald's Happy Meal, c) travel tweasers, d) stickers from their last haircuts, e) chewed up lollipop sticks, and f) enough gum to keep Thing 1 AND Thing 2 quiet for at least an hour.

1 comment:

  1. It is very easy to 'hear' Thing 2's little voice. I figure he had had enough and wanted to REALLY get your attention!
    I would love to have a picture of his face!

    I will be anonymous, because I don't have any of these accounts.
