Friday, January 30, 2009
Thing 1 is an award-winning scientist!
She got a blue ribbon for placing 1st, AND a spiffy trophy that declares her as the best scientist in the first grade. You should have seen her smile.
Thing 1's project was about density. She wanted to see if an egg would float or sink in water, salt water, cooking oil, and karo syrup. She was very interested in why things float (or not), so she and her daddy cooked up this project.
She is also quite pleased with herself, and apparently enjoyed the experience enough to want to participate again next year (so far, anyway).
So now it's on to the regional science fair where she'll compete against other winners from the area. However that turns out, she's a winner in our book.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Our First Science Fair Experience

Thing 1 Is Growing Up
This morning she said, "Can we have eggs for breakfast?" When I told her we could, she said, "Great! I'll crack the eggs and stir them up." And she did!
Very well!
She also added all the spices for my special "Gig 'Em Aggie" scrambled eggs. Her Dad makes "Hook 'Em Horns" scrambled eggs (she secretly tells us both that she likes ours the best!).
Not only did she (mostly) make breakfast, she also helped Thing 2 with his.
Thing 2 was not interested in eggs this morning. He wanted waffles and cinnamon rolls. Who could blame him? Sounds like the perfect breakfast to me!
Thing 1 toasted Thing 2's Eggos to perfection, poured on the syrup (got a bit carried away here), and even cut them into bite-size pieces for him.
Now let me assure you that this is not the norm around here. Not by any stretch of the imagination. That's not to say that the kids don't do nice things for each other (or us) from time to time ... because they do. But it doesn't usually happen to this degree of "niceness".
My baby is growing up.
Needless to say, I was a happy Mom this morning.
Even if it was too darn early to be making breakfast on a Saturday.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's birthday party time again!

Eventually we'll agree on a theme, and the search will be on for fun things that he and his friends can do at the party. This happens twice a year, every year. It's always a struggle to keep coming up with activities the kids will enjoy, won't be too much trouble to pull off, and (most importantly) won't cost too much money.
Here's a little tip for you. Check out this website: Visit this site once, and you'll be hooked. This collaborative site is a huge repository of birthday party ideas by theme and by age. So if you (like me) were interested in what fun things other parents have done for their 5-year-old's Iron Man party, all you have to do is read through the postings. I'll be doing that over the weekend.
Each posting is different, but most contain information on the following categories:
- invitations and thank you notes
- food
- games and other activities
- craft ideas
- party favors
For every birthday party we've ever done, I've always been able to find some good ideas from this site. Usually I end up combining the ideas from 3 or 4 different postings, and the kids have always had a great time.
And while we're on the topic of birthday party planning, here's a great resource for getting those party supplies from the comfort of your own home: This place has all the cups, plates, napkins, party favors (and more!) that you'll ever need. The prices are reasonable and they ship your items pretty quickly too.
Here's to happy birthdays, and happy birthday parties, from now on!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sometimes I have to go out of town for work ...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Pierced Ears for Christmas

So for a total of $80, several pairs of cute little girl earrings, an earring holder, and 1 1/2 hours of a Saturday afternoon, Thing 1 now has beautiful and sparkly ears.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
New baby cousins!
Sarah was first last week with new baby cousin Naomi ... so cute. And tonight, Christina gave new baby cousin Elijah his long-awaited debut. I haven't seen pictures of him yet, but I'd be willing to bet he's a cutie too.
Sarah, Christina, and I had lost touch over the years, but that's to be expected with a ~ 20 year age difference. I was in college when they were barely in grade school! But, thanks to technology's version of crack (a.k.a. Facebook), we have reconnected (seriously, I'm addicted!). That, and a brief reunion last year.
They are wonderful and beautiful girls with equally wonderful husbands. I'm so happy for them and so proud of the adults they've become.
Welcome to the world, Naomi and Elijah!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Great websites to check out
This site lists thousands of movies (including the very newest releases), and objectively rates them based on their content. This allows parents to decide for themselves - based on their own family values system - whether or not the movie is appropriate for their children to watch. The movies aren't just "kid" movies either. Most adult movies are included as well.
Movies are assigned a numerical rating (0 - 10) in each of three categories: 1) sex and nudity, 2) violence and gore, and 3) profanity. The higher the numerical rating in a category, the more sex, violence, or profanity you should expect to see. Detailed descriptions of the scenes that contributed to the numerical rating are included as well.
A really nice feature they include for each movie is the section on discussion topics. These range from issues that your children may have questions about, to ideas/lessons/values you may want to discuss with them after watching the movie.
Here's a link to the review on Bedtime Stories, which is currently in theaters. This will give you a good idea how the system works.
For parents in the Austin, Texas area, this site will be listed in your Favorites very soon. For the purposes of this site, the Austin area includes Austin, Bastrop, Buda, Cedar Park, Dripping Springs, Georgetown, Pflugerville, and Round Rock.
It includes information on literally everything you could think of related to raising children in our part of the state. It covers camps, indoor activities, outdoor activities, sports, party places and suppliers, great deals, schools, camping spots, links to blogs and articles, and more.
Probably my family's favorite section is the It lists all the restaurants where your kids can eat for free, by day of the week. Fabulous resource - especially in this wonky economy. There's also a monthly e-newsletter you can sign up for that has very timely news and updates to their standard offerings. We use this ALL the time.
That's it for today! I hope you check out these great sites - I know you'll love 'em!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
It's BLEEDING!!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's Resolutions
I'd like to take on a more active role in my children's education. Realistically, I know I don't have the time to be Room Mother or anything like that. But as Thing 1 approaches 2nd grade and Thing 2 approaches Kindergarten, this is becoming more and more important to me.
Recently I discovered Bill Bennett. He's a former Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan. He does a conservative political talk show in the mornings, and I love to listen to him on my commute into work. He's written several books on U.S. history, politics, faith, family values, and education.
So the first part of my new years resolution will be to purchase this book and read it cover to cover. Among many other great things, The Educated Child: A Parents Guide From Preschool Through Eighth Grade features an outline of what to expect--or demand, in some cases--in the K-8 essentials.
Once read, I plan to put Dr. Bennett's great ideas and resources to work with my own children's education in 2009 and beyond.
You Know You're a Mom if ...

- you know what a "Mom purse" is
- you actually own a self-described Mom purse
- in your Mom purse you can quickly and easily access the following items: a) an unused Spiderman bandaid, b) Thing 1's My Little Pony from a McDonald's Happy Meal, c) travel tweasers, d) stickers from their last haircuts, e) chewed up lollipop sticks, and f) enough gum to keep Thing 1 AND Thing 2 quiet for at least an hour.
Mom! Slow the *%$! down!
Now, Thing 2 has let me know on several different occasions that he thinks I should slow down. That I drive too fast. I say, "What does a 4-year-old know about driving?" So I usually thank him for his advise and continue on in my need for speed.
This time was different. This time, was one for the record books. I was approaching a stop sign pretty quickly and finally came to an abrupt hault. From the back I hear a gasping in of breath and this ...
"And I say that, because I don't want to say, 'Oh my GOD, or What the HELL.'"
I mean really! What do you say to that!? It was incredibly hard not to laugh at him, but I somehow managed not to guffaw.
I did, however, tell him that he was right.
Those were things we didn't want to say.
And then I slowed down.