The most obvious change is the fact that we have an African-American President. Whether you agree with his politics or not, this was a needless barrier that has now been shattered. They told us when we were kids that anyone could grow up to be the President, and now that's really true. How long before we see a woman as President? Is that even out of reach anymore?
I think most kids are growing up color blind these days. A person's color is even used less frequently as a descriptor. Case in point: Dude and I were in Subway recently. There were two other guys in the restaurant as customers - one was white, one was black. As we left the store, Dude told me that one of the guys was the father of a friend of his. When I asked which one, he replied, "the one with the big muscles". Color didn't matter to him.
This past week, both Sister and Dude have been telling me what they learned about Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy in school. They've had lots of questions too. But mostly, they can't understand why people were treated any differently because they had a different skin color. I can't either, and it's hard to explain.