We've been discussing for years now about how Sister would go stay at my cousin's ranch for a week in the Summers once she was old enough. Now that she's eight, we decided this would be a good time to start.
The planning began in earnest about a month ago. There were things we had to plan around like Vacation Bible School, nature camp, vacations, etc. Once we decided on the first week of June for Sister's ranch trip, there was no stopping her excitement. On the last day of school, her teacher told me that Sister had been talking about going to the ranch for weeks now. Katie bar the door!
We knew this would be a really fun experience for her, but being the practical parents we are, we also knew that she would learn some valuable life lessons along the way. We hoped that she would learn the feeling of a job well done at the end of the day, that there is value in work, and that life doesn't revolve around the Disney Channel or her Nintendo DS (which she did NOT bring with her). I think all of the above is being accomplished.
I have to say, I was a little hurt that Sister didn't put up much of a fuss when Dude and I left her at the ranch on Sunday. She hugged and kissed me goodbye, but seemed to be waiting for us to leave so the real fun could start. My cousin has been keeping her pretty busy, so she hasn't really had time to miss us. But something tells me that even if she were bored, we would not be top of mind.
We've called her every night so far, and the conversation has been pretty one-sided. We can hardly get a word in edgewise because she has so much to tell us. Baby goats are being born. There are eggs to gather. Chickens to feed. Cows to count. Oh, and the all important, ranch vehicles to drive. Yes, she drove a giant tractor and a four-wheeler under the watchful eyes of the college kids who work at the ranch during the Summer.

I packed only two pairs of jeans for her because, well, this is Texas and it's pretty danged hot -- even in early June. Plus, Sister had specifically told me she was going to wear shorts the entire time. I convinced her to take the jeans for the days when they would be working so she could wear her new boots. According to my cousin, they've had to to laundry twice in three days because Sister will not wear anything but jeans and her new boots.
So my independent, boot-wearing child has been out the door by 7am. Opening gates. Feeding animals. Learning to cook. And going to bed tired, but fulfilled. We will be forever grateful for my cousin (who is also Sister and Dude's godmother) for taking on an eager, inquisitive, and creative child, and showing her the ropes. This will be a week that Sister won't soon forget. But get ready, Cousin - Dude will be old enough for a week of his own in two years!