They will make whole pizzas, but for us, there is only the pizza by the slice. They're delicious and HUGE! I'll eat one slice, and the kids usually split one. Yes. They're that big.
Somehow, without my noticing, something amazing happened. I overheard a bit of the conversation my kids were having with the owner, Rubio. He told them that if they ate all their pizza, he'd teach them how to make one! Now, most kids don't usually have a problem with eating pizza. But I promise you - you've never seen two kids eat pizza faster than Sister and Dude did this afternoon. They gobbled it up before I'd even eaten a few bites of mine!
They've watched Rubio make pizzas many times before. They always choose the best seats in the house - the table right next to the Plexiglas window where they can watch him toss up the pizza dough waaaay up into the air and then add all the yummy toppings.
Today Rubio outdid himself. He invited them both to come back behind the counter to learn how to make a pizza of their own. First, they had to wash their hands. Then, they had to flour the dough and the pizza board to prevent the dough from sticking.

The next step was to pound and flatten the dough into a small sized pizza.

Then comes the sauce. Sister got to help spread it around with a paint brush to make sure it covered all the dough.

And what's a pizza without cheese? Sister and Dude both get to try their hand at adding cheese and making sure it covered the entire surface.

After the pizza went into the oven, I snapped a photo of the pizza-making team. There's Dude, Sister, Mary, and Rubio. What a crew!

Ahh, the final product. Sister and Dude proudly display their creation. A delicious and made-by-my-kids cheese pizza!

I couldn't believe how incredibly sweet Rubio and Mary were to take time out of their busy day and teach my children how to make pizza. It just goes to show you that there really are some genuinely nice people out there. And you never know where you'll find them. Hmm, maybe you're one ...
Today started out being an ordinary day of running errands. It ended up being a day my kids will never forget.
If you're ever in Round Rock running errands and get a hankering for pizza, I'm sure Rubio and Mary would cook up a great pie for you. C'mon, you know you want one.