But this tradition is one of our very own. I hope it continues for many years to come.
You see, Santa has friends who live in Round Rock. He comes to visit for a few days before Christmas to rest up for his big day on Christmas Eve. And while he's here, he sets up shop on his friends' front yard. Brothers, sisters, Moms, Dads, grandparents, and friends are all welcome and encouraged to come visit Santa.
The part about Santa having friends in Round Rock is only partially true, but it's what we tell Sister and Dude. And for now, they still believe. Sister may not believe for much longer, though. She's in the 2nd grade, and the kids at school are already talking. I want her to hang on for a while.
The part about everyone being welcome to visit Santa is all true. Let me tell you about my Santa, and why I'm convinced he's the real deal.
There are these two people - an older couple - who are consumed with the Christmas Spirit. They live on Deepwood Drive in Round Rock. Every year in June or July, Santa - er, I mean the man - starts growing out a beautiful white/grey beard. He grows that thing for half the year.
A few weeks before Christmas, they decorate the front yard. I'm not talking about a few lights or an inflatable snowman here. No, these people go all out. Santa has built himself a life-size sleigh, complete with reindeer. The house and yard are covered with lights. There's even a separate area with a bench for taking additional pictures.
About the time the lights and decorations go up, a 2nd mail box goes up too. This mailbox is where folks can find copies of Santa's visiting hours. He usually prints them up on pretty Christmas paper.
For the two weeks prior to Christmas, Santa and Mrs. Claus are open for business. Mrs. Claus makes sure there is an orderly progression of children and imparts plenty of Christmas cheer. And Santa does what Santa does best. He causes spontaneous smiles on children's faces and sparkles to appear in their eyes. And he does this without asking for any payment or anything at all in return. I give him a big hug every year.
Family by family, groups both small and large await their turn to visit with the Big Guy. And family by family, he gives them their due. He visits with each child, asking if they've been good and what is on their Christmas lists. Then he reaches into his bag and pulls out a little trinket for each child. This year Sister got a golden bead necklace, and a little green bag with a Christmas pencil in it. Dude got a Spiderman coloring book and a small box of Crayons. Families can take as many pictures as they want. Moms and Dads usually get into the pictures too.
Santa does this each year. Each year charging nothing for his time or effort.
I've been calling him Santa, because to me and to us, he is. This man is kind, gentile, and full of love. He is the Christmas Spirit personified. I don't know their real names, and it doesn't matter one bit. They ARE Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
One year - a few years ago - he whispered something to me as I hugged him after our turn. I won't tell you what he said, because it was a message meant for me. But I will tell you this. Only Santa could've known.
Merry Christmas to All! And to All a Good Night.