Dude has come up with a couple of doosies lately. In his defense, he's usually very serious about what he's saying and has no idea whatsoever that he's the reason why I'm stifling a laugh. It's just his honest thoughts or feelings in the moment. I think that may be that's why they're so priceless.
Episode 1:
So the other day, we had soccer practice. On soccer night (as you all know), our time for evening activities is extremely limited. Dude was already having some problems listening, and was having a string of never-ending tantrums. He and Sister were in the living room - probably arguing about something - when I announced that dinner was ready. As any hungry 5-year-old would, Dude comes running into the kitchen to see what delicacy I had prepared for the family that evening.
He took one look at the pasta awaiting him on his plate, and promptly burst into tears. Simultaneously, he cried, "Awwwwww! You KNOW I can't eat yellow food!" And ran out of the room. Since when, I ask you, can the boy not eat yellow food? Seriously. Yellow food? Never mind the mac and cheese. Oh, and the corn. And whatever else he eats that's yellow! After being informed that there would be no special, non-yellow dinner just for him, he ate it. That was that. Score one for Mom.
Episode 2:
Fast forward to last Monday night. My husband was at the school board meeting, so it was just me and the kids. Dude must have been really tired. The poor child just couldn't hold it together to save his life. Everything Sister said sent him into a crying fit. I could do nothing right. Oh wait. That's not unusual. But if you had asked him, there was most certainly a plot against him that night.
There was absolutely nothing that could set things to right with him. Sister and I endured a string of knock-down, full-on conniption fits. The likes of which you have never seen before. I do not exaggerate here.
So after a very long evening, it was finally time for bed. Before schlepping them and all their stuff upstairs for a bath and bed, I went into our bathroom to change into my comfy PJs. Dude joins me while I'm changing ... kinda just loitering, like he wants something.
He finally works up the courage to ask me this question. "Uh, Mama? Since I'm um, uh falling apart tonight, can I sleep in your bed?"
Somehow, that simple question just made everything right with the world again. My sweet little boy understood that he was falling apart, and needed some comforting from his Mom. The frustration and the fatigue were instantly washed away, and I got to snuggle with my little boy.
Photo courtesy of Photo Mojo.